..I use a macro to quickly fix misspelled words. More precisely, the misspelled word is replaced by the first suggestion from the spelling checker. The macro is called by hitting "strg+shift+q" just after a typo occurred.
15 Jun 2011
14 Jun 2011
Multiple Comparisons for GLMMs using glmer() & glht()
...here's an example of how to apply multiple comparisons to a generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) using the function glmer from package lme4 & glht() from package multcomp. Also, I present a nice example for visualizing data from a nested sampling design with lattice-plots!
Lattice graphs
Mixed Models
Multiple Comparisons
R Graphs
1 Jun 2011
How to List all Functions of an R-Package
ls("package:base") [1] "-" "-.Date" [3] "-.POSIXt" "!" [5] "!.hexmode" "!.octmode" [7] "!=" "$" [9] "$.DLLInfo" "$.package_version" [11] "$<-" "$<-.data.frame" [13] "%%" "%*%" [15] "%/%" "%in%" [17] "%o%" "%x%" [19] "&" "&&" [21] "&.hexmode" "&.octmode" [23] "(" "*" ... lsf.str("package:base") - : function (e1, e2) -.Date : function (e1, e2) -.POSIXt : function (e1, e2) ! : function (x) !.hexmode : function (a) !.octmode : function (a) != : function (e1, e2) $ : .Primitive("$") ...
Drawing Grids in R
Here's an example of how to draw a grid in R and how to fill it.
I did use the grid-package and its functions for displaying species cover values at squares of a recording frame...
I did use the grid-package and its functions for displaying species cover values at squares of a recording frame...
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