If you're interested in analysing your blog's statistics this can easily be done with a web-service like StatCounter (free, only registration needed, quite extensive service) and with R.
After implementing the StatCounter script in the html code of a webpage or blog one can download and inspect log-files with R with some short lines of code (like below) and then inspect visitor activity..
19 Dec 2011
17 Dec 2011
Function to Collect Geographic Coordinates for IP-Addresses
I added the function IPtoXY to theBioBucket-Archives which collects geographic coordinates for IP-addresses.
It uses a web-service at http://www.datasciencetoolkit.org// and works with the base R-packages.
# System time to collect coordinates of 100 IP-addresses:
> system.time(sapply(log$IP.Address[1:100], FUN = IPtoXY))
User System verstrichen
0.05 0.02 33.10
15 Dec 2011
Conversion of Several Variables to Factors
..often needed when preparing data for analysis (and usually forgotten until I need it for the next time).
With the below code I convert a set of variables to factors - it could be that there are slicker ways to do it (if you know one let me know!)
With the below code I convert a set of variables to factors - it could be that there are slicker ways to do it (if you know one let me know!)
> dat <- data.frame(matrix(sample(1:40), 4, 10, dimnames = list(1:4, LETTERS[1:10]))) > str(dat) 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 10 variables: $ A: int 5 34 3 15 $ B: int 28 25 17 24 $ C: int 2 12 10 32 $ D: int 16 27 29 14 $ E: int 40 7 4 31 $ F: int 22 30 6 18 $ G: int 33 36 35 38 $ H: int 19 21 37 8 $ I: int 20 11 9 26 $ J: int 39 13 1 23 > > id <- which(names(dat)%in%c("A", "F", "I")) > dat[, id] <- lapply(dat[, id], as.factor) > str(dat[, id]) 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 3 variables: $ A: Factor w/ 4 levels "3","5","15","34": 2 4 1 3 $ F: Factor w/ 4 levels "6","18","22",..: 3 4 1 2 $ I: Factor w/ 4 levels "9","11","20",..: 3 2 1 4
12 Dec 2011
Default Convenience Functions in R (Rprofile.site)
I keep my blog-reference-functions, snippets, etc., at github and want to source them from there. This can be achieved by utilizing a function (source_https, customized for my purpose HERE). The original function was provided by the R-Blogger Tony Breyal - thanks Tony! As I will use this function quite frequently I just added the function code to my Rprofile.site and now am able to source from github whenever running code from the R-console. This is very handy and I thought it might be worth to share..
Animation Newby Excercise with R-Package {animation}
Try this very simple & illustrative example for creating an animation with the animation package:
myfun <- function ( ) { n = ani.options("nmax") x = sample(1:n) y = sample(1:n) for (i in 1:n) { plot(x[i], y[i], cex = 3, col = 3, pch = 3, , lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 50), xlim = c(0, 50)) ani.pause() } } ani.start() par(mar = c(3, 3, 1, 0.5), mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0), tcl = -0.3) myfun() ani.stop()
7 Dec 2011
A Word Cloud with Spatial Meaning
..Some time ago I did a word cloud for representing a Google Scholar search result. Tal Galili pointed me at a post by Drew Conway that expanded on the topic of word clouds lacking spatial meaning. In fact the spatial ordering of words in a word cloud is arbitrary and meaningless..
As I am an ecologist, I soon came to the idea that text could be treated as a multivariate data set - assuming that words can be treated as species and sentences being similar to samples. So, presuming that it makes sense to put sentences and words in a cross-table as I similarly would do with a species / samples matrix, it may also be sensible to analyze such a matrix by ordination-methods for multivariate data, mostly used by ecologist recently. I chose NMDS ordination, as it is robust and quite easy to compute with R-package {vegan}.
As I am an ecologist, I soon came to the idea that text could be treated as a multivariate data set - assuming that words can be treated as species and sentences being similar to samples. So, presuming that it makes sense to put sentences and words in a cross-table as I similarly would do with a species / samples matrix, it may also be sensible to analyze such a matrix by ordination-methods for multivariate data, mostly used by ecologist recently. I chose NMDS ordination, as it is robust and quite easy to compute with R-package {vegan}.
1 Dec 2011
Producing Google Map Embeds with R Package googleVis
(1) for producing html code for a Google Map with R-package googleVis do something like:
library(googleVis) df <- data.frame(Address = c("Innsbruck", "Wattens"), Tip = c("My Location 1", "My Location 2")) mymap <- gvisMap(df, "Address", "Tip", options = list(showTip = TRUE, mapType = "normal", enableScrollWheel = TRUE)) plot(mymap) # preview(2) then just copy-paste the html to your blog or website after customizing for your purpose..
Line Slope Calculation in ArcGis 9.3 (using XTools)
You have a polyline, say a path, river, etc., and want to know average slope of each single line.
Use z-values of nodes of polyline and calculate percentual slope by
(line-segment shape_length / z-Difference) * 100
You have a polyline, say a path, river, etc., and want to know average slope of each single line.
Use z-values of nodes of polyline and calculate percentual slope by
(line-segment shape_length / z-Difference) * 100
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