26 Aug 2013

Quick Tip for Austrian MOBAC Users: A Link to a Mapsource for Bergfex Topographic Map!

Here's a link to a Beanshell script enabling Bergfex topographic maps (OEK 50) as mapsource in MOBAC. With this mapsoursce and MOBAC you can create really nice offline topographic maps for Austria and use the created tiles for your special purposes.

19 Aug 2013

Text Mining with R - Comparing Word Counts in Two Text Documents

Here's what I came up with to compare word counts in two pieces of text. If you got any idea, I'd love to learn about alternatives!

## a function that compares word counts in two texts
wordcount <- function(x, y, stem = F, minlen = 1, marg = F) {


                        x_clean <- unlist(strsplit(removePunctuation(x), "\\s+"))
                        y_clean <- unlist(strsplit(removePunctuation(y), "\\s+"))

                        x_clean <- tolower(x_clean[nchar(x_clean) >= minlen])
                        y_clean <- tolower(y_clean[nchar(y_clean) >= minlen])

                        if ( stem == T ) {

                          x_stem <- stemDocument(x_clean)
                          y_stem <- stemDocument(y_clean)
                          x_tab <- table(x_stem)
                          y_tab <- table(y_stem)    

                          cnam <- sort(unique(c(names(x_tab), names(y_tab))))

                          z <- matrix(rep(0, 3*(length(cnam)+1)), 3, length(cnam)+1, dimnames=list(c("x", "y", "rowsum"), c(cnam, "colsum")))
                          z["x", names(x_tab)] <- x_tab
                          z["y", names(y_tab)] <- y_tab
                          z["rowsum",] <- colSums(z)
                          z[,"colsum"] <- rowSums(z)
                          ifelse(marg == T, return(t(z)), return(t(z[1:dim(z)[1]-1, 1:dim(z)[2]-1])))

                          } else { 

                          x_tab <- table(x_clean)
                          y_tab <- table(y_clean)    

                          cnam <- sort(unique(c(names(x_tab), names(y_tab))))

                          z <- matrix(rep(0, 3*(length(cnam)+1)), 3, length(cnam)+1, dimnames=list(c("x", "y", "rowsum"), c(cnam, "colsum")))
                          z["x", names(x_tab)] <- x_tab
                          z["y", names(y_tab)] <- y_tab
                          z["rowsum",] <- colSums(z)
                          z[,"colsum"] <- rowSums(z)
                          ifelse(marg == T, return(t(z)), return(t(z[1:dim(z)[1]-1, 1:dim(z)[2]-1])))

## example
x = "Hello new, new world, this is one of my nice text documents - I wrote it today"
y = "Good bye old, old world, this is a nicely and well written text document"

wordcount(x, y, stem = T, minlen = 3, marg = T)


Thanks a lot for the comments! As I'm not that much into text mining I was trying to reinvent the wheel (in a rather dilettante manner) - missing the capabilities of existing packages. Here's the shortest code that I was able to find doing the same thing (with the potential to get out much more of it, if desired).
x = "Hello new, new world, this is one of my nice text documents"
y = "Good bye old, old world, this is a text document"
z = "Good bye old, old world, this is a text document with WORDS for STEMMING  - BTW, what is the stem of irregular verbs like write, wrote, written?"

# make a corpus with two or more documents (the cool thing here is that it could be endless (almost) numbers 
# of documents to be cross tabulated with the used terms. And the control function enables you
# to do lots of tricks with it before it will be tabulated, see ?termFreq, i.e.)

xyz <- as.list(c(x,y,z))
xyz_corp <- Corpus(VectorSource(xyz))

cntr <- list(removePunctuation = T, stemming = T, wordLengths = c(3, Inf))

as.matrix(TermDocumentMatrix(xyz_corp, control = cntr))