## name: ReverseKmlPath
## use: Reverse KML-pathsby matching their Name tags
## arguments: PATH_TO_DOC, the path to the KML-file
## NAME, the value of the name tag, function uses partial matching!
## 'Trail_xyz' will be matched by 'rail'
## requirements: KML-structure with Placemarks containing a and a tag
## author: Kay Cichini
## date: 01-05-2014
## license: CC-BY-NC-SA
ReverseKmlPath <- function(PATH_TO_DOC, NAMES) {
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(PATH_TO_DOC)
if (xmlNamespaceDefinitions(doc)[[1]]$uri == "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") {
namespaces <- c(kml = "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2")
flag <- 1
} else {
if (xmlNamespaceDefinitions(doc)[[1]]$uri == "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0") {
namespaces <- c(kml0 = "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0")
flag <- 0
} else {
stop ("Stopped!: Check namespace issue..")
for (NAME in NAMES) {
if (flag) {
query <- paste0("//kml:Placemark[contains(kml:name,'", sprintf("%s", NAME), "'", ")]//kml:coordinates")
} else {
query <- paste0("//kml0:Placemark[contains(kml0:name,'", sprintf("%s", NAME), "'", ")]//kml0:coordinates")
coords <- tryCatch(getNodeSet(doc, query, namespaces),
error = function(e) message(paste("\nError: *", NAME, "* was NOT successfully matched\n")))
for (i in length(coords)) {
#grab coordinates from node and reverse order
rev_coord_vector <- rev(unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\t|\\n", "", xmlValue(coords[[i]])), "\\s")))
rev_coord_string <- paste(rev_coord_vector, collapse = " ")
# re-insert reversed line-string:
xmlValue(coords[[i]]) <- rev_coord_string
# message
if (flag) {
query <- paste0("//kml:Placemark[contains(kml:name,'", sprintf("%s", NAME), "'", ")]//kml:name")
} else {
query <- paste0("//kml0:Placemark[contains(kml0:name,'", sprintf("%s", NAME), "'", ")]//kml0:name")
match <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(doc, query, namespaces)[[i]])
message(paste0("matched name: ", match, "\n..."))
# save:
message("Reversed paths saved to:")
saveXML(doc, paste0(dirname(PATH_TO_DOC), "/reversed_", basename(PATH_TO_DOC)),
prefix = newXMLCommentNode("This file was created with the R-package XML::saveXML, see: "))
## not run:
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".kml")
download.file("http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.13.1/examples/kml/lines.kml", tf, mode = "wb")
ReverseKmlPath( PATH_TO_DOC = tf, NAMES = c("Absolute", "Relative") )
shell.exec(paste0(dirname(tf), "/reversed_", basename(tf)))
4 May 2014
R GIS: Function to Reverse KML Paths
This is a function I wrote up for reversing KML-paths. The paths within a KML can be partially matched by their name-tags
3 May 2014
R GIS: Generalizer for KML Paths
I'm posting a recent project's spin-off, which is a custom line-generalizer which I used for huge KML-paths. Anyone with a less clumpsy approach?
## line generalizing function: takes two vectors of with x/ycoords
## and return ids of x/y elements which distance to its next element
## is shorter than the average distance between consecutive vertices
## multiplied by 'fac'
check_dist <- function(x, y, fac) {
dm <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(x, y)))
## supradiagonal holds distance from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, etc. element
d <- diag(dm[-1, -ncol(dm)])
mean_dist <- mean(d)
keep <- logical()
## allways keep first..
keep[1] <- T
for (i in 1:(length(x) - 2)) {
keep[i + 1] <- (d[i] > mean_dist * fac)
message(paste0("Distance from item ", i, " to item ", i + 1, " is: ", d[i]))
message(paste0("Treshold is: ", mean_dist * fac))
## .. and always keep last
keep[length(x)] <- T
## Testing function check_dist:
x <- rnorm(5)
y <- rnorm(5)
(keep <- check_dist(x, y, 1.2))
plot(x, y)
lines(x[keep], y[keep], lwd = 4, col = "green")
lines(x, y, lwd = 1, col = "red")
text(x, y + 0.1, labels = c(1:length(x)))
## exclude vertices by generalization rule. coordinate-nodes with low number of vertices,
## segments with less than 'min_for_gen' vertices will not be simplified, in any case coordinates will be
## rounded to 5-th decimal place
generalize_kml_contour_node <- function(node, min_for_gen, fac) {
LineString <- xmlValue(node, trim = T)
LineStrSplit <- strsplit(unlist(strsplit(LineString, "\\s")), ",")
# filter out empty LineStrings which result from strsplit on '\\s'
LineStrSplit <- LineStrSplit[sapply(LineStrSplit, length) > 0]
# all 3 values are required, in case of error see for missing z-values:
x <- round(as.numeric(sapply(LineStrSplit, "[[", 1, simplify = T)), 5)
y <- round(as.numeric(sapply(LineStrSplit, "[[", 2, simplify = T)), 5)
z <- round(as.numeric(sapply(LineStrSplit, "[[", 3, simplify = T)), 5)
# for lines longer than 'min_for_gen' vertices, generalize LineStrings
if (length(x) >= min_for_gen) {
keep <- check_dist(x, y, fac)
x <- x[keep]
y <- y[keep]
z <- z[keep]
xmlValue(node) <- paste(paste(x, y, z, sep = ","), collapse = " ")
# for all other cases, insert rounded values
} else {
xmlValue(node) <- paste(paste(x, y, z, sep = ","), collapse = " ")
## mind to use the appropiate namespace definition: alternatively use:
## c(kml ='http://opengis.net/kml/2.2')
kml_generalize <- function(kml_file, min_for_gen, fac) {
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(kml_file)
nodes <- getNodeSet(doc, "//kml:LineString//kml:coordinates", c(kml = "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0"))
mapply(generalize_kml_contour_node, nodes, min_for_gen, fac)
saveXML(doc, paste0(dirname(kml_file), "/simpl_", basename(kml_file)))
## get KML-files and generalize them
kml_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".kml")
kml_file, mode = "wb")
kml_generalize(kml_file, 5, 0.9)
shell.exec(paste0(dirname(kml_file), "/simpl_", basename(kml_file)))
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