Sub filter_clear()
'author: kay cichini
'date: 06072016
'purpose: clear all filters in a preformated excel tabel
Dim SelectedCell As Range
Dim TableName As String
Dim ActiveTable As ListObject
Set SelectedCell = ActiveCell
'Determine if ActiveCell is inside a Table
On Error GoTo NoTableSelected
TableName = SelectedCell.ListObject.Name
Set ActiveTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(TableName)
If ActiveTable.ShowAutoFilter Then
'MsgBox "AutoFilters are turned on"
If ActiveTable.AutoFilter.FilterMode Then
'MsgBox "Filter is actually set"
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
'Error Handling
MsgBox "There is no Table currently selected! (You need to activate a cell in the Table to be cleared!)", vbCritical
End Sub
6 Jul 2016
VBA Subroutine to Clear All Filters in Excel-Table
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