Function Transf_BraunBlanquet(ByVal BB_Str As String) As String
'Transformation of Braun-Blanquet 'Artmächtigkeit' to percentage cover (similar to usage in TurboVeg or twinspan)
'The key value mapping can be altered depending on specific requirements
'This UDF is used in the UDF SumKum_BraunBlanquet(), which will apply the Transformation on a range of values and
'will sum the transformed percentages. This cumulative sum can be used to check if the Braun-Blanquet estimation for
'a vegetation layer is reasonable.
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'~~> first transfer your list in Dictionary
.Add "r", "0"
.Add "+", "0"
.Add "1", "1"
.Add "2m", "2"
.Add "2a", "10"
.Add "2b", "20"
.Add "3", "37,5"
.Add "4", "67,5"
.Add "5", "87,5"
If Len(BB_Str) = 0 Then
'~~> case: empty cell
Transf_BraunBlanquet = 0
Exit Function
End If
For Each elem In .keys
key = elem
If key = BB_Str Then
Transf_BraunBlanquet = .Item(elem) * 1
Exit Function
End If
Next elem
End With
End Function
Function SumKum_BraunBlanquet(Rng As Range) As Double
'See comments on Transf_BraunBlanquet() for explanations
Dim Sum As Double
Dim RngArr As Variant
RngArr = Application.Transpose(Rng) 'dumps range values to array
For Each elem In RngArr
Sum = Sum + Transf_BraunBlanquet(elem)
Next elem
SumKum_BraunBlanquet = Sum
End Function
14 Jul 2017
Excel VBA User Defined Function for Transformation of Braun-Blanquet Values to Precentages of Vegetation Cover
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