replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(astext(Collect(t.geometry)), 'MULTILINESTRING((','§'), '))', '%'), '(', ''), ')', ''), '§', 'LINESTRING('), '%', ')'
) as geom
from (
select MultiLinestringFromText('MULTILINESTRING((-1 -1, 0 0), (1 1, 4 4))') as geometry
) as t
resulting in:
LINESTRING(-1 -1, 0 0, 1 1, 4 4)
However, if your orginal line was something like MULTILINESTRING((-1 -1, 0 0), (0 0, 4 4))
you'd end up with:
LINESTRING(-1 -1, 0 0, 0 0, 4 4)
which contains double vertices, which we certainly don't want!
So be aware, that the ordering / direction of the linestring will be as in the segments of the original layer! And as we saw, gaps between subsequent end-/startnodes will be closed in the new geometry!! It is adviseable to doublecheck before / after conversion!
If you deal with a multilinestring (or a combination of any type of linesstrings) which share end/startnodes nodes things are even easieruse this SQL:
SELECT AsText(Linemerge(MultiLinestringFromText('MULTILINESTRING((-1 -1, 0 0), (0 0, 4 4))')))
resulting in:
LINESTRING(-1 -1, 0 0, 4 4)