Here is the final file as seen after opening in Google Earth:
# new kml file... needs to be well-formed
z <-
'<kml xmlns="">
new_xmlDoc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(z, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
# important add all namespace definitions...
ns <- c(gx="",
ensureNamespace(new_xmlDoc, ns)
# get the root off the new file for latter processing
new_root <- xmlRoot(new_xmlDoc)
# loop over files from folder
# and insert Placemark content of each file as children nodes into
# the new file
setwd("C:/Users/Kay/Google Drive/SKI-BIKE/Gastein")
files <- dir(pattern="bergfex*")
for (f in files) {
# get placemark node of each file
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse(f, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
root <- xmlRoot(doc)
plcm_node <- root[["Document"]][["Folder"]][["Folder"]][["Placemark"]]
# insert file name as Placemark name
xmlValue(plcm_node[["name"]]) <- sub('bergfextour_(.*)[.]kml', '\\1', f)
# add placemark node to new doc
addChildren(new_root[["Document"]][["Folder"]], plcm_node)
# save it...
saveXML(new_xmlDoc, "collapsed_ROUTES.kml")
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